Vestido e casaco!
Gostei da ideia de fazer mini roupas e fiz mais um vestido e terminei um casaquinho em tricô que já tinha começado alguns dias atrás. Não me esqueci dos amigurumis, tenho um a meio caminho para terminar e por ter mais partes e ser um processo mais demorado (gosto de ver resultados depressa, não devia ser tão afoita ai ai...) sempre paro para fazer uma ou outra coisinha menor e o pobre do bicharoco a espera de ser concluído. Mas vou esforçar-me para terminá-lo esta semana.
I really liked to make small clothes, so a made one dress and I finished a tricot coat, that I've started some days ago. I didn't forget the amigurmis. I have one to finish and because it demands more time to do it (I like to see results as fast as possible, shame on me tsc, tsc...) I always stop to make another work, usually small thinks, and the poor little amigurumi keeps waiting for me to finish my job. But I'll work hard to make this amigurumi this week.
I really liked to make small clothes, so a made one dress and I finished a tricot coat, that I've started some days ago. I didn't forget the amigurmis. I have one to finish and because it demands more time to do it (I like to see results as fast as possible, shame on me tsc, tsc...) I always stop to make another work, usually small thinks, and the poor little amigurumi keeps waiting for me to finish my job. But I'll work hard to make this amigurumi this week.