Chapeleira Maluca, Jackie!
Hoje acordei com a ideia fixa de testar uns moldes para chapéu. Como resultado dessa minha "fúria" repentina, passei boa parte do dia a costurar e fiz quatro chapéus em miniatura. Gostaria de fazer em tamanho real também, mas ainda estou estudando a ciência dos chapéus. :P
Mad hatter, Jackie!
Today I woke up thinking about some patterns that I wanted to try. As a result of my suddenly "craving" I spent some hours of my day at the sewing machine and sewed four mini hats. I'd like to make them in real size someday, but I'm still learning the science of making hats. :P
Mad hatter, Jackie!
Today I woke up thinking about some patterns that I wanted to try. As a result of my suddenly "craving" I spent some hours of my day at the sewing machine and sewed four mini hats. I'd like to make them in real size someday, but I'm still learning the science of making hats. :P