Capa de Tricô!
Tenho estado muito ausente! Desculpa blog! Mas tenho andado ocupada com muitos trabalhos de artesanato. Vou tentar publicar aqui as coisas que fiz nos últimos tempos, ok?
Uma capa/gola que fiz há algum tempinho atrás. ^^ A receita peguei aqui!
Até breve!
I've been absent! Sorry, blog! But I have been busy with many craft works. I'll try to post here the things I have made in the past months, ok?
That's a tricot cape I've made some weeks ago. ^^ The pattern is here!
See you soon!
Uma capa/gola que fiz há algum tempinho atrás. ^^ A receita peguei aqui!
Até breve!
I've been absent! Sorry, blog! But I have been busy with many craft works. I'll try to post here the things I have made in the past months, ok?
That's a tricot cape I've made some weeks ago. ^^ The pattern is here!
See you soon!